I've been doing some experimenting with the emedded grammar code I wrote for Factor, trying to make it easier to use and a bit more useful for real world projects.
My inspiration for the changes has been seeing the kinds of things OMeta can do and the examples in the Steps towards the reinvention of programming from the Viewpoints Research Institute.
The original parsing expression grammar code (in the vocab 'peg') produced a data structure composed of Factor tuples that was interpreted at runtime via a call to the word 'parse'. It still has the data structure of tuples but now it can be compiled into Factor quotations, which are then compiled to native machine code via the Factor compiler. The 'parse' word calls 'compile' on the datastructure and calls it.
I created a parsing word that allows you to embed the peg expression directly in code, have it compiled to a quotation at parse time, and then called at runtime. Usage looks like:
"1+2" [EBNF expr=[0-9] '+' [0-9] EBNF] call
The older peg code had an <EBNF ... EBNF>
embedded language and each rule in the language was translated to a Factor word. That's now changed to an EBNF: definition. An example:
EBNF: expr
digit = [0-9] => [[ digit> ]]
number = (digit)+ => [[ 10 digits>integer ]]
value = number
| ("(" exp ")") => [[ second ]]
fac = fac:x "*" value:y => [[ drop x y * ]]
| fac:x "/" value:y => [[ drop x y / ]]
| number
exp = exp:x "+" fac:y => [[ drop x y + ]]
| exp:x "-" fac:y => [[ drop x y - ]]
| fac
This creates a word, 'expr', that runs the last rule in the embedded language (the 'exp' rule in this case) on the string passed to it:
"1+2*3+4" expr parse-result-ast .
=> 11
If you've used peg.ebnf before you'll see some new features in this code:
- You can do character ranges using code like
to match upper and lowercase characters, etc.
- Factor quotations can be embedded to process the results of choices. Anything between the
[[ ... ]]
will be run when that choice succeeds and the result put in the abstract syntax tree for that rule. The default AST produced by the rule is on the stack of the quotation. The example above drops this in some cases, and transforms it in others.
Rule elements can have variable names suffixed to it and these can be referenced in the action quotations. This is implemented using locals. This can be seen in EBNF code like this:
exp:x "+" exp:y => [[ drop x y + ]]
Usually that rule produces an AST consisting of a 3 element sequence, each element being the AST produced by the rules elements. The action quotation is transformed into:
[let* | x [ 0 over nth ]
y [ 2 over nth ] |
drop x y +
] with-locals
This is efficient and makes the grammar easier to read.
* Another major new feature is grammars now handle direct and indirect left recursion. I implemented this from the VPRI paper Packrat Parsers Can Support Left Recursion. It makes converting existing grammars to peg grammars much easier.
* Semantic actions have been added. These are like normal [[ ... ]]
actions except they have stack effect ( ast -- bool ). Given an abstract syntax tree from the preceding element, it should return a boolean indicating whether the parse succeeded or not. For example:
odd= [0-9] ?[ digit> odd? ]?
- Some of the syntax has changed. Previously { ... } was used for repeating zero or more times and
[ ... ]
was for optional. Now I use (...)*
, (...)+
, (...)?
, for zero or more, one or more, and optional respectively. The dot (.) is used to match anything at that point. Terminals can be enclosed in single or double quotations.
There is a 'rule' word that can be used to get a single rule from a compiled grammar:
EBNF: foo
expr = number '+' number
"1+2" foo parse-result-ast => { "1" "+" "2" }
"1+2" "number" \ foo rule parse parse-result-ast => "1"
Notice the 'rule' word returns the parser object rather than the compiled quotation. This is useful for testing and further combining with other parsers.
These changes are in the main Factor repository. There is the peg.pl0 and peg.expr vocabs as examples. The peg.ebnf code is in an experimental state and is likely to change a lot until I'm satisfied with it so be aware that it might not be wise to use it in stable code unless you're happy with tracking the changes. I welcome feedback and ideas though.
One feature I'm currently working on but haven't put in the main repository yet is the ability to use the embedded grammar DSL to operate over Factor arrays and tuples. This allows writing an embedded grammar to produced an AST, and another embedded grammar to transform that AST into something else. Here's what code to transform an AST currently looks like:
TUPLE: plus lhs rhs ;
EBNF: adder
num = . ?[ number? ]?
plus = . ?[ plus? ]? expr:a expr:b => [[ drop a b + ]]
expr = plus | num
T{ plus f 1 T{ plus f 2 3 } } adder parse-result-ast .
=> 6
This uses features I've already discussed, like semantic actions, to detect the type of the object. The difference is that the parser produced by EBNF: operates not on strings, but on an abstract sequence type that is implemented for strings, sequence, and tuples. I'm still playing around with ideas for this but I think it'll be a useful way to reuse grammars and string them together to perform tasks.