Saturday, October 15, 2005 |
I played around with Backbase, a
Rich Internet Application framework, last night. It's basically a way
of building applications using lots of client side XML and Javascript
based scripts with Ajax. The nice thing about Backbase is it is all
client side - you can use any web server. To get things working with
the Factor httpd is trivial.
First you need to download the 'free for non-commerical use' Community
Edition. This is a .zip file that contains the code that the web server
needs to serve. Unzip the Backbase_community_dev_3.0.1.zip (or
Backbase_community_prod_3.0.1.zip for a production/non-development
system). The important directory out of this is 'Backbase/3_0_1'. You
want to make this available to the outside world via the webserver. In
factor I did the following:
USE: httpd USE: file-responder [ "/path/to/Backbase/3_0_1/" "doc-root" set "backbase" "responder" set [ file-responder ] "get" set [ file-responder ] "post" set [ file-responder ] "head" set ] make-responder
This creates a responder called 'backbase' that serves all files from
the specified backbase directory. So accessing
'responder/backbase/skeletons/basic-startup.html' will load the test
file if you installed the development version.
For your own backbase based applications you'll need to change the
paths in your HTML file to point to this responder. Using the
'basic-startup' as an example, the 'script' element would reference
'/responder/backbase/bps/boot.js' and the 'onload' in the 'body'
element would be "bpc.boot('/responder/backbase/');".
I've only just started looking at Backbase so am not very familiar with it. I'll look at 'backbasing' some of the Anonymous Todo List
to see what its like to work with. A very simple first addition was
adding a new format to the View capability. Appending
"&format=backbase" to the View capability URL uses backbase to
display the todo list table. This immdiately makes the todo list table
sortable, as well as styling alternate rows to be different colors. An example list is here. The real test will be to see how well backbase can be used for the editing and creation of the lists.
1:37:52 PM
© Copyright 2005 Chris Double.