Bluish Coder

Programming Languages, Martials Arts and Computers. The Weblog of Chris Double.


Port Seaside to VAST?

Posted on the Seaside mailing list is a request for people to port Seaside, the Smalltalk continuation based web system, to VAST - a Smalltalk system. The offer includes the following incentive:

To make it worth your while, we are offering a reward of a full license to VAST and all of our add-on products (a $9,595 value) to the first five people who successfully and independently port Seaside to VAST (we want to make sure that anyone who gets it working is rewarded, not just the first to finish).

Tags: seaside 


Unifying Events and Threads in Haskell

Update: 3 May 2006: Source is now available

Lambda the Ultimate points to a great paper, A Language-based Approach to Unifying Events and Threads, by Peng Li and Steve Zdancewic.

This paper presents a language based technique to unify two seemingly opposite programming models for building massively concurrent network services: the event driven model and the multithreaded model. The result is a unified concurrency model providing both thread abstractions and event abstractions.

The paper is about the implementation of the unified concurrency model in Haskell. The threads are 'lightweight' threads and according to the paper scale to 10 million threads. The scheduler outperforms NPTL in I/O benchmarks.

  • Monads provide the thread abstraction by defining an imperative sub-language of Haskell with system calls and thread control primitives.
  • Higher-order functions provide the internal representation of threads in continuation passing style.
  • Lazy data structures provide the event abstraction, which is a lazy tree that represents the trace of system calls generated by threads.

Some interesting benchmark results too. One benchmark test they did involved launching 10 million threads that just yield within a loop. This was running on a machine with 1GB set aside for the GHC heap. The per thread cost was only 48 bytes!

Their multiprocessor benchmark, yielded a 3.65 times speedup over a non-MP version version on a 4CPU machine (The library is able to take advantage of SMP machines).

Other interesting things in the paper are a web server they built using this framework and an application level TCP stack written entirely in Haskell.

I hope the source for the things mention in this paper becomes available. In the meantime, you can read it here.

Tags: haskell 


Source for Unify Available

The source for the system presented in the paper 'A Language Based Approach to Unifying Events and Threads' is now available.

Download information is available at the Unify home page.

The source code package can be browsed online here. It contains the application-level thread library, a simple web server and a HTTP load generator. For more information, see the READ_ME file.

To compile and run the source code, you will need the Linux 2.6 kernel, the most recent development snapshot of GHC 6.5, and the Linux asynchronous I/O library (libaio).

(From Lambda the Ultimate).

Tags: haskell 


Links - Web Programming Without Tiers

From Lambda the Ultimate:

Links is a programming language for web applications. Links generates code for all three tiers of a web application from a single source, compiling into JavaScript to run on the client and into SQL to run on the database. Links provides support for rich clients running in what has been dubbed 'Ajax' style. Links programs are scalable in the sense that session state is preserved in the client rather than the server, in contrast to other approaches such as Java Servlets or PLT Scheme.

It looks like Links is making some great progress. A couple of interesting points from the paper:

  • Links supports web continuations. The continuation state is stored on the client, not the server. They defunctionalize the continuation object, replacing functions with unique identifiers. In this way they reduce the size of the continuations to be manageable for client side storage.
  • Client side concurrency! The client side code is compiled to Javascript in continuation passing style. This gives lightweight threads in Javascript on the browser.
Tags: links 


Space Invaders Emulator in Haskell

I been tinkering with Haskell lately to get familiar with a purely functional programming language. As a project to work on I'm trying to port the Space Invaders emulator I wrote for Factor to Haskell.

I'm pretty much a complete newbie to Haskell and have no idea on the best ways to implement this type of thing. I'm starting simple, seeing where the bottlenecks are, and will improve the code from there.

For representing the memory I'm using a standard Haskell Array type. Being a purely functional programming language this means that any updates to the array result in it being copied and the copy being returned. If this turns out to be too inefficient there are some variations on this array type, including UArray for unboxed storage of values.

My first cut at an 8080 CPU abstraction was:

data Cpu = 
 Cpu { a  :: Word8, 
       b  :: Word8, 
       c  :: Word8, 
       d  :: Word8, 
       e  :: Word8, 
       f  :: Word8, 
       h  :: Word8, 
       l  :: Word8, 
       pc :: Word16,
       sp :: Word16,
       doInterrupts :: Bool,
       mem :: Memory }

Functions that set register values in the Cpu type actually return a new Cpu with the old values copied across and the new value set. 'Memory' is the array type:

type Memory = Array Word16 Word8

This represents a mapping from 16 bit numbers (the memory address) to 8 bit values. To make the code easier to read I also created some data types to refer to the 8080 registers:

data Register16 = BC | DE | HL | SP | PC deriving (Show)
data Register8  = A | B | C | D | E | F | H | L deriving (Show)

To implement the instruction set I created an 'Instruction' datatype with constructors for each possible type of 8080 instruction. I got this idea from the OmegaGB Gameboy Emulator in Haskell. Much thanks to the author of that for making their developer log and design ideas available. As an example, part of my 'Instruction' type is:

data Instruction =
   MoveRegister   Register8 Register8 -- MOV r1,r2 
 | MoveFromMemory  Register8   -- MOV r,M 
 | MoveToMemory   Register8  -- MOV M,r 
 | MoveImmediate   Register8 Word8  -- MVI r,data 
 | MoveToMemoryImmediate  Word8   -- MVI M,data 
 | LoadRegisterPairImmediate Register16 Word16 -- LXI rp,data16
 | LoadAccumulatorDirect  Word16   -- LDA addr
 | StoreAccumulatorDirect Word16   -- STA addr
 | LoadHAndLDirect  Word16   -- LHLD addr
 | StoreHAndLDirect  Word16   -- SHLD addr
 | ...

My usual approach for decoding the machine code opcodes into these Instruction types would be to create a function that maps each opcode from 0 through to 255 to one of the instructions. Instead of doing this I went to the 8080 instruction set reference and created Haskell overloaded functions that work on the binary of the opcode and decode the registers,etc to operate on from that. So some of these functions look like:

opcodeToInstruction (Binary 0 1 d3 d2 d1 1 1 0) _ _ = 
 let r = register8Lookup (d3,d2,d1) in
   MoveFromMemory r

opcodeToInstruction (Binary 0 1 1 1 0 s3 s2 s1) _ _ = 
 let r = register8Lookup (s3,s2,s1) in
   MoveToMemory r

opcodeToInstruction (Binary 0 1 d3 d2 d1 s3 s2 s1) _ _ = 
 let r2 = register8Lookup (s3,s2,s1)
     r1 = register8Lookup (d3,d2,d1) in
   MoveRegister r1 r2

opcodeToInstruction (Binary 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0) b2 _ = 
   MoveToMemoryImmediate b2

The 'register8Lookup' uses the binary string for the register as it is encoded in the opcode to return the actual register type:

register8Lookup :: (Integer,Integer,Integer) -> Register8
register8Lookup (1,1,1) = A
register8Lookup (0,0,0) = B
register8Lookup (0,0,1) = C
register8Lookup (0,1,0) = D
register8Lookup (0,1,1) = E
register8Lookup (1,0,0) = H
register8Lookup (1,0,1) = L

This had the advantage of letting the Haskell compiler work out exactly what instruction to decode the opcode value too. It's made the code quite readable.

A 'runInstruction' function is used to execute the instruction and modify the Cpu type. Some examples of implementations are:

runInstruction :: Cpu -> Instruction -> Cpu
-- Data transfer group
runInstruction cpu (MoveRegister r1 r2) =
 setRegister8 cpu r1 (getRegister8 cpu r2)

runInstruction cpu (MoveFromMemory r) =
   let hl = getRegister16 cpu HL
       v  = readMemory8 cpu hl in
     setRegister8 cpu r v

runInstruction cpu (MoveToMemory r) =
   let hl = getRegister16 cpu HL
       v  = getRegister8 cpu r in
         writeMemory8 cpu hl v

runInstruction cpu (MoveImmediate r v) =
   setRegister8 cpu r v

runInstruction cpu (MoveToMemoryImmediate v) =
   let hl = getRegister16 cpu HL in
     writeMemory8 cpu hl v

-- Branch Group
runInstruction cpu (Jump addr) = 
 setRegister16 cpu PC addr

runInstruction cpu (ConditionalJump condition addr) = 
   let c = isConditionTrue cpu condition in
     if c then setRegister16 cpu PC addr else cpu 

The code that looks up the machine code byte from memory converts it to the 'Binary' datatype and calls 'opcodeToInstruction' to get the instruction out of it:

toBinary :: Word8 -> Binary
opcodeToInstruction :: Binary -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Instruction
readMemory8 :: Cpu -> Word16 -> Word8

step1 :: Cpu -> Cpu
step1 cpu = 
  let addr = pc cpu
      opcode  = readMemory8 cpu addr
      b2 = readMemory8 cpu (addr+1)
      b3 = readMemory8 cpu (addr+2) 
      instruction = opcodeToInstruction (toBinary opcode) b2 b3 in
    runInstruction cpu instruction

With all the instructions implemented I ran a simple benchmark of 1,000,000 instructions. Using '-O2' with GHC I got approximately 20 seconds on my machine (an Athlon 2500+) which is a tad slow.

As a comparison, my Factor implementation runs 1,000,000 instructions in about 1.7 seconds.

An easy change to make was to change the memory type to use a UArray which is an unboxed array. This immediately change the timing to 1.6 seconds. Which is much better than I expected. Remember that this is unoptimised code and purely functional. The only impure code is the I/O printing the CPU registers after each instruction (which I piped to /dev/null for the timings).

The implementation currently emulates about 90% of the 8080 CPU instruction set. I still need to handle interrupts and then add a simple GUI. Once that's done I'll make the code available.

Overall I found Haskell quite easy to develop with. I used 'ghci', the interpreter that is part of GHC, for most of the testing and iterative development. Using that was a lot like developing with a Lisp REPL. The static typing didn't get in my way and in fact it pointed to errors I'd made at compile time instead of run time in a lot of cases. I'll see if that remains the case when I tackle the GUI though which is likely to be a bit more difficult.

Tags: haskell 

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