Bluish Coder

Programming Languages, Martials Arts and Computers. The Weblog of Chris Double.


Using Records and C structs in ATS

ATS has record types which are like tuples but each item is referenced via a name. They closely approximate C structs and in the generated C code are represented in this way. The following uses a record to hold x and y values representing a point on a 2D plane:

fun print_point (p: @{x= int, y= int}): void =
  printf("%d@%d\n", @(p.x, p.y))

implement main () = {
  val p1 = @{x=10, y=20}
  val () = print_point (p1)

A literal record object in this example is created using the @{ ... } syntax. Dereferencing record fields is done using '.'. The generated C code shows that the representation for the record is a C struct:

typedef struct {
  ats_int_type atslab_x ;
  ats_int_type atslab_y ;
} anairiats_rec_0 ;

The @ syntax used for the record literal and type marks the record as a 'flat' record. Flat records have value semantics and variables of this type have a size in bytes equivalent to the size of the underlying C structure. This is shown by the generated C code for the main function above:

ATSlocal (anairiats_rec_0, tmp4) ;

tmp4.atslab_x = 10 ;
tmp4.atslab_y = 20 ;

/* tmp3 = */ print_point_0 (tmp4) ;

Here the variable tmp4 is the p1 in our ATS code. It is an instance of the C struct representing the record and is created on the stack. It is initialized and passed to the print_point function by value:

print_point_0 (anairiats_rec_0 arg0) {
  ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp1) ;
  ATSlocal (ats_int_type, tmp2) ;


Records can also be defined using a '{...} syntax (note the ' instead of @) for boxed records which are heap allocated and the memory managed by the garbage collector. Boxed records have pointer semantics and have a size in bytes equivalent to the size of a pointer:

implement main () = {
  val x = sizeof<@{x=int}>
  val y = sizeof<'{x=int}>
  val a = int_of_size x
  val b = int_of_size y
  val () = printf ("%d %d\n", @(a, b))

This outputs "4 8" showing the flat type as having the size of an int and the boxed type having the size of a pointer. Most usage of records in ATS I've done is using flat records as I tend to avoid the use of the garbage collector.

To pass a reference to a flat record so it can be modified by a function you need to mark the function argument as 'by reference' using &:

typedef point = @{x= int, y= int}

fun print_point (p: point): void =
  printf("%d@%d\n", @(p.x, p.y))

fun add1 (p: &point): void = {
  val () = p.x := p.x + 1
  val () = p.y := p.y + 1

implement main () = {
  var p1 = @{x=10, y=20}
  val () = add1 (p1)
  val () = print_point (p1)

In this example I use typedef to create a type alias for the record so I can refer to the type as point. The add1 function takes a point by reference (as indicated by the & prefix). This works like C++ reference arguments. The function effectively takes a pointer to an instance of the struct and can modify the instance passed to the function. For this to work the point passed to the function must be an lvalue. That is, it must be mutable. This is done in ATS by making it a var vs a val.

Note that it's a type error to create an uninitialized point object and pass it to add1. For example, the following gives a type check error:

implement main () = {
  var p1: point?
  val () = add1 (p1)
  val () = print_point (p1)

Types that are unintialized have a ? suffix added to it. The type of p1, due to it being unintialized, is point?. Since add1 takes a point this fails type checking. Initializing it allows it to pass:

implement main () = {
  var p1: point
  val () = p1.x := 5
  val () = p1.y := 10
  val () = add1 (p1)
  val () = print_point (p1)

As well as passing by reference to functions you can pass a pointer and deal with the pointer management directly. This requires using the proof system and I hope to go through dealing with pointers and their associated proofs in a later post:

fun add1 {l:agz} (pf: !point @ l | p: ptr l): void = {
  val () = p->x := p->x + 1
  val () = p->y := p->y + 1

implement main () = {
  var p1 = @{x=10, y=20}
  val () = add1 (view@ p1 | &p1)
  val () = print_point (p1)

When interfacing with C API's you often have to deal with C structures. In ATS you can declare a type as being defined as a struct in C with a matching ATS record definition so that ATS can be used to access the struct. The following example shows a struct declared in C, a function that uses it in C, and how this is wrapped in ATS:

typedef struct Point {
  int x;
  int y;
} Point;

void print_point (Point* p) {
  printf("%d@%d\n", p->x, p->y);

typedef point = $extype_struct "Point" of {x= int, y= int}
extern fun print_point (p: &point): void = "mac#print_point"

implement main () = {
  var p1: point
  val () = p1.x := 10;
  val () = p1.y := 20;
  val () = print_point (p1)

The $extype_struct keyword creates a type that is represented by a C struct with the given name. By using the of {x= int, y= int} suffix we define the record layout as seen via ATS. This will stop ATS from creating its own structure to map the type and instead uses the C structure. The generated C code for the main function looks like:

ATSlocal (Point, tmp1) ;

/* Point tmp1 ; */
ats_select_mac(tmp1, x) = 10 ;
ats_select_mac(tmp1, y) = 20 ;
print_point ((&tmp1)) ;

Note it uses the C struct type directly. I use this approach in my 0MQ wrapper to wrap the zmq_msg_t and zmq_pollitem_t structures.


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