Blackdog competition winner
Remember the Blackdog? A small linux server that fits in the palm of your hand, automatically turning on when plugged into the usb port of a host machine.
Realm Systems, the makers of the Blackdog, held a competition for people to implement innovative ways of using the device with a grand prize of $50,000. The winner was recently announced:
Realm Systems has announced that Terry Bayne is the Grand Prize winner of the Project BlackDog Skills contest. He won $50,000 for his work on "Kibble," a tool for building integration solutions between the host PC and the BlackDog device using a SOAP-based RPC mechanism to send arbitrary (LUA) code to be executed on the host PC from the BlackDog. A panel of judges from such firms as HP, Dell, and Avaya determined that Kibble won for its originality, value, and functionality.